Redmi 10X series will be launched by Xiaomi on May 26 and many details related to it have been revealed. Amazing camera technology has been provided in the Pro variant of this series with quad camera. The special camera of this device has also been teased by the company on Weib0 and it can come with Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) technology.
Image credit: NBT news
A new midrange smartphone will be launched by Xiaomi soon and the details related to it are constantly coming out. Lew Weibing, president of the Xiaomi Group and general manager of the Redmi brand, recently released the night-proof of the Redmi 10X Pro. Two devices will be launched in the company's new series. Apart from the standard version, there will be another Pro version, which has been launched with the Dimensity 820 chipset.
The streaming camera of the new Redmi smartphone will be able to click one-touch shots with the help of many parameters without the help of tripod. Apart from this, users will not have to adjust camera parameters and settings every time to click a professional image. Apart from this, Stable Photography and Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) for video have been given in Redmi 10X Pro. This will be the second Redmi model to come with OIS.
The optical anti-shake technology found in the camera will detect the jitter at high speed with the help of the gyroscope and acceleration sensor provided in the phone. After this, the signal will be sent to the OIS processor and it will give the signal to install the camera module in real-time to the microdrive motor according to the calculation. This entire process will take less than a second and the final image quality will come out very well.
Image credit: NBT news
A new midrange smartphone will be launched by Xiaomi soon and the details related to it are constantly coming out. Lew Weibing, president of the Xiaomi Group and general manager of the Redmi brand, recently released the night-proof of the Redmi 10X Pro. Two devices will be launched in the company's new series. Apart from the standard version, there will be another Pro version, which has been launched with the Dimensity 820 chipset.
The streaming camera of the new Redmi smartphone will be able to click one-touch shots with the help of many parameters without the help of tripod. Apart from this, users will not have to adjust camera parameters and settings every time to click a professional image. Apart from this, Stable Photography and Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) for video have been given in Redmi 10X Pro. This will be the second Redmi model to come with OIS.
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